Act - a large division of a full-length play, sometimes separated from the other acts by an intermission, Audience - the intended target group for a message, regardless of the medium, Author’s craft - intentional and deliberate use of organizational patterns, text and graphic features, sentence structures, devices, and language to create an effective written work; author’s craft may vary by genre, Author’s purpose - the reason an author writes about a particular topic (e.g., to persuade, to entertain, to inform, to explain, to analyze, etc.); the reason an author includes particular details, features, or devices in a work, Character - a person or thing who plays a role in a book, play, or movie, Conflict - in literature, the opposition of persons or forces that brings about dramatic action central to the plot of a story. Conflict may be internal, as a psychological conflict within a character, or external., Context - the words, sentences, or passages that precede or follow a specific word, sentence, or passage, Dialogue - the lines spoken between characters in fiction or a play. Dialogue in a play is the main way in which plot, character, and other elements are established., Drama - literary works written in a stage play format which includes dialogue and stage directions that is intended to be performed, Genre - the type or class of a work, usually categorized by form, technique, or content, Imagery - the use of language to create mental images and sensory impressions. Imagery can be used for emotional effect and to intensify the impact on the reader, Plot - the basic sequence of events in a story, Point of view - the perspective from which the events in the story are told, Resolution - the point in a literary work at which the story’s problem is worked out, Scene - a subdivision of a play where the action takes place in a specific setting and moment in time, Setting - the time and place in which a narrative occurs. Elements of setting may include the physical, psychological, cultural, or historical background against which the story takes place., Stage directions - descriptions or instructions in a play that provide information about characters, dialogue, setting, and actions, Character Arc - The inner journey or growth that the character makes over time,
DRAMA -Vocabulary
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