1) театр a) performance b) stage c) theatre d) stage fright 2) оплески a) children's theatre b) applause c) theatre d) row 3) аудиторія a) applause b) poster c) audience d) The show's been running for a year. 4) за лаштунками a) backstage b) stage / perform c) row d) theatre 5) актори a) stage b) acts c) actors d) play 6) оповідач a) theatre b) drama c) narrator d) row 7) вистава a) performance/play b) dressing room c) setting d) theatre 8) обстановка/ оформлення a) setting b) stage / perform c) audience d) applause 9) афіша a) stage / perform b) row c) backstage d) poster 10) ряд a) applause b) What's on at the theatre? c) poster d) row 11) сцена a) poster b) stage c) performance d) puppet theatre 12) грати (у виставі) a) perform b) stage c) applause d) narrator

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