A ____ is a trick by a ____ person. Another word for a scam is ____. Scammers trick people into giving them money or sharing ____ information. Scams come in the form of email, social media messages, telephone calls, and even door-to-door salespeople. Sometimes ____ tell you that you won money. This is a prize scam. Sometimes they ask you to ____ money. This is a charity scam. Scammers often ask you to ____ passwords or make ____ changes to an account. These are banking scams or tax scams. ____! Anyone can be a ____ of a scam. Scammers often ____ elderly people, young people, and immigrants. They also target people who aren't good with technology. Do you have a ____ in your email? There are lots of scams in there! Never click on a link you don't trust. Scammers also ____ people during difficult times. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many scammers targeted ____. They looked for people waiting on test results and offered ____ service (for a fee). Do you know how to ____ a scam? Look for spelling and grammar ____. Watch for questions that seem too personal. Does something sound too good to be ____? It probably is. Always trust your ____ and do your research. There are organizations that help victims too.


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