: If your classmate asked you to copy your homework, would you let him/her do it?(Why not? I'm not against it/It depends on who would ask me/ No way!, If your volleyball team lost the match, would you shake your rivals' hands? Sure/ It's a usual thing at the end of any match/I'd do it, but not with all players, If your best friend told lies to you, would you tell the truth to her/his face? No doubt! My friend would never offend me! I'd try to make her/him tell me the truth, If you got to know that your friend commented your photo negatively, how would you react? I'd let her/him know about my reaction/I'd argue with her/him/I'd prefer to use a button 'deleate a friend', If your teacher made a mistake and gave you a lower mark on account of it, would you inform her/him about it? Absolutely not, I'm afraid of my teachers! Sure, It's natural for people to make mistakes! I'd let her/him know about it , but not in a rude way!,
Moral Dilemmas
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