POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT (reward , ' the carrot' ) : Giving your child dessert because he ate his vegetables, Getting pleasure from a stimulating conversation with a colleague, A service dog can play tug as a reward for finding hidden drugs, Feeling good after working at a soup kitchen, POSITIVE PUNISHMENT ( ' the stick' ) : Someone frowns when you tell a racist joke, A parent punishes a child ; this works, so the parent does it again, A cell phone rings in class; the teacher answers the phone & talks , embarrassing a student.. , Telling my friends how to play a game who then tell me to mind my own business, NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT ( avoiding something ) : Emilie stretches to avoid a sports injury., You take an analgesic pill and your headache goes away, Studying daily for an exam reduces stress from procrastination., Chewing nicotine gum makes the craving for a cigarette go away, Eating a meal you don't like in order to avoid hurting the cook’s feelings, You tell an interrogator everything to get him to stop torturing you, You clean up your room so your mom will stop nagging you about it., Taking out the garbage to quiet a nagging significant other, You’re trying to study, you decide to close the window to reduce the traffic noise , NEGATIVE PUNISHMENT ( losing something ) : A teenager loses his cellphone for talking back to his mom, The teacher takes a student’s cell phone away in class, Your dog jumps on you , so you turn your back and ignore him,
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