POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT ( rewards ,' the carrot' ): Lindsay breaks the law so she can get free meals, & a roof over her head in jail., Scoring a basket in basketball after using correct form, Mouthing off to a bully & receiving a super wedgie because you think super wedgies are nice, You receive a Star sticker for wearing your school uniform., You put gas in your car so you can go out to meet your friends, Asad gets a cookie after finishing a reading assignment., Chewing nicotine gum brings a dopamine release in the brain, which feels good, POSITIVE PUNISHMENT ( 'the stick' ) : An employee's inappropriate behavior stops after she is criticized by a supervisor, Getting a super wedgie for mouthing off to your older brother, Teacher yells “stop talking!” in the middle of the lecture. All the kids glare at the offender, I walk into a telephone pole while walking and texting., Martha breaks the law and goes to jail, where she is forced to live in a small, smelly room, NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT ( avoiding something ) : Tasting bitter nail chemical when you try to bite your nails., You have your vehicle regularly serviced to avoid a break-down, Kari follows the laws to avoid going to jail., You put up an umbrella to avoiding getting wet in the rain., If I yell “You're the king of the world!” my brother will let me up off the floor., Wearing a helmet, pads, etc. to avoid getting injured when playing hockey, NEGATIVE PUNISHMENTS ( losing someting ) : An employee is consistently late for work; loses the right to listen to music ., A child ignores her chores, so her parents take away her video game play time, Angelina is convicted of breaking the law and goes to jail, which removes her freedom to do as she pleases, Zachary is very naughty , so his mom tells him he cannot go on a camping trip that weekend., After a child slams a door in anger, the parent removes the bedroom door from its hinges, removing privacy,
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