De Stijl - 'Style' modern art movement from 1900s (Piet Mondran), Origins of Drawing/Painting - 10,000BC cave drawings, Charcoal - lightweight carbon; compressed = hard, vine = delicate, Red chalk - iron oxide pigment & clay (1500s), Black chalk - carbonaceous shale, White chalk - calcium carbonate, Conté crayon - created in 1800s, harder than chalk, Graphite - form of carbon, early 1500s, Ink - liquid pigment, Pencil - graphite encased in wood; 10H-10B, H Pencil - hard lead, light marks, B Pencil - soft lead, dark marks, F/HB Pencil - between H&B, Tortillon - paper stump for blending, Maulstick - stick w/ padded head to rest hand, Eraser types (3) - kneaded rubber, gum, pink, Parchment - paper made from animal skin, Paper - created in China; archival = acid-free, Critiquing art - describe > analyze > interpret > judge, Oil painting - 1400s in Northern Europe; pigment in drying oil, Watercolor painting - gum arabic binder w/ added pigment, Egg Tempera - 1400s; egg yolk w/ added pigment, Gouache - opaque medium like watercolor, Paintbrush types (2) - WC = soft, A/O = stiff, Drying oils (2) - linseed oil, poppy oil, "Fat Over Lean" - oil painting - each layer should have more paint than beneath, Plein Air - painting outdoors (Claude Monet), Alla Prima - wet on wet, Trompe l'oeil - "optical illusion" realism, Acrylic Painting - mid 1900s, quick drying,

Drawing & Painting ART EC-12


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