Posture - The position in which someone holds their body when standing, sitting, or keyboarding., Touch Typing - To type using all one's fingers and without looking at the keys., Keyboarding - The activity of typing information into a computer or word processor., Home row Keys - The row on a computer keyboard that contains the keys a s d f j k l ;, Desktop - The first computer screen displayed on a computer./laptop., Cursor - A blinking mark on a computer display screen that shows the place where the user is working., Pointer - The position of the mouse. (looks like an arrow), Start Button - The small button that displays the Windows logo and is always displayed at the left end of the Taskbar., Taskbar - The bar that allows quick access to current or favorite applications., Spacebar - A long horizontal key on the lower edge of the keyboard used to add space between letters or words., Enter Key - Also known as a Return key. Key moves the cursor to the next line. , Delete - This key removes the character to the right of the cursor., Backspace - This key removes the character to the left of the cursor., Shift Key - The keys on a keyboard used to switch between two sets of characters; lower and upper case letters., Number Pad - The palm-sized section of a standard computer keyboard, usually on the far right., Arrow Keys - One of the four keys on a computer keyboard that can be used to move the cursor up, down, left, or right on the screen., Two Spaces - Number of spaces at the end of a sentence., One Space - Number of spaces after a semicolon.,
Keyboarding Skills
7th Grade
8th Grade
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