I always set a goal before starting a new project to stay focused. - decide on something you want to achieve, After writing down the key points, she committed it to memory for the exam. - remember something so that you don’t forget it., He worked tirelessly to finish the report before the deadline. - work very hard without stopping, Her reputation was on the line when she agreed to lead the project. - at risk of being lost, Achieving her goals improved her self-esteem significantly. - boost confidence in your own worth or abilities, Constant failure can ruin self-efficacy, making it hard to try again. - damage the belief in your ability to succeed, After months of hard work, she finally hit her goal of running a marathon. - achieve the target you set for yourself., He became a thriving entrepreneur by identifying market needs and acting on them. - a successful business owner who is growing and prospering, To succeed, you must be willing to go the extra mile in your efforts. - ready to do more than what is expected to achieve something, Without a clear plan, he seemed to wander around aimlessly in life. - live without direction or purpose., With determination and creativity, you can achieve limitlessly. - accomplish things without any restrictions or limits, Strict planning can sometimes undermine the freedom of possibilities in life. - reduce the ability to explore different options., She has an insatiable desire for learning new languages. - a need or craving that cannot be satisfied, He felt tethered to a goal that no longer inspired him. - be firmly attached or committed to an objective.,
Ted Talks: Why you should stop setting goals
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