Models include (examples) - Illustrations, diagrams, computer programs, three-dimensional object, three-dimensional objects, & mathematical equations, Scientist use models to... - Study phenomena indirectly, Engineers use models to... - Test engineering designs , Models have both... - Advantages and limitations, Data (examples) - Are the facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations & testing., Quantitative data - Information that deal with numbers, or amounts., Qualitative data - Information deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers., Tables - Arrange data in columns and rows, Graphs - Help scientists visualize the relationship between two variables, Maps - Visual representations for data focused on such things as features, patterns, and distributions, Charts - Display large amounts of data using symbols in a concise, at-a-glance way, Evidence - Data that support the claim, Reasoning - Using scientific principles and logical thinking to explain how evidence supports a claim, Peer Interactions - Allowing others to evaluate your claim, Competing Claims - Considering other claims for the same phenomenon,
SEP Day 2
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