Patterns: A pattern is something that repeats in a predictable way. Patterns help us understand and connect phenomena in the natural and human-made world, helps Identify trends in data, helps Identify trends in graphs, Cause & Effect: Cause-and-effect relationships explain the reason things happen, Understanding cause-and-effect relationships is an important part of engineering to analyze problems, Some relationship are causal, while others are correlational., Scale, Proportion, and Quantity: proportion is a specific ratio. Facial features are in proportion to each other, the ratio between corresponding measurements in the model and the actual object, organism, or system, Quantity is a value expressed in numbers, Structure and Function: There is a relationship between the structure and function of an object, an organism, or a system, You can analyze the structure of an object or system and make inferences about its function, Engineers design structures or systems to achieve a particular function, Energy and Matter: Energy and matter are important in every area of science and engineering, The transfer of energy can be followed as it travels through a natural or human-made system, While matter and energy can change form, the amount stays the same, Systems: A system is a group of parts that work together to perform a function or to produce a result, Input- matter or energy that goes into system, Output - Matter and energy that comes out of system, Stability and Change: Scientists study stability and change in objects, organisms, and systems over time., They examine the relationships among parts of a system, They explore the role that feedback mechanisms play in dynamic equilibrium,
SEP Day 4
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