patriarchy - a social structure marked by the dominance of the father in the family, medieval, (adj.) - relating to the Middle Ages in Europe, aristocracy - the upper or noble class whose members' status is usually inherited, clergy - in a Christian church, people, such as priests, who carry out religious duties, institution - an organization that has existed for a long time and promotes a particular cause, literacy - the ability to read, illuminated, (adj.) - decorated by hand with designs, lord - a person with power and influence who controls land given to them by a king, knight - a soldier on horseback who serves a king or other ruler, nobility - powerful families that hold fiefs and titles, feudalism - a system of government in which land is exchanged for loyalty, vassal - a person who receives land from a ruler and in return promises to fight for the ruler, fief - a plot of land exchanged for loyalty to a ruler, manor - a large country house and its surrounding land, estate - an area of land or property, serf - a person living on a feudal estate who was required to work for the lord of the manor, fallow, (adj.) - plowed but with nothing planted for a period in order to restore the land's fertility, guild - a group of craftspeople who control a certain craft, autonomous, (adj.) - having the power of self-government,
SS 5 Unit 1 Chapter 1 Medieval Europe
5th Grade
Social studies
European history
Middle ages
World history
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