The process of digestion begins in the ____, where the ____ grind the food into smaller pieces, and enzymes in the ____ break down ____. The food then travels from the mouth to the stomach through a long tube called ____ with a muscle movement called____. In the ____, muscles churn the food and mix it with ____ and enzymes that break down ____. There are some organs in the digestive system that food does not pass through but that are still a vital part of the process: the ____ produces ____ and the ____ produces ____, a chemical which helps to break down ____ Bile is stored in the ____ until it is released into the ____, the beginning of the small intestine. In the ____, enzymes continue to break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats into smaller molecules that are ____ into the ____ through finger-like projections called ____ . Undigested food then travels to the ____, where ____ is reabsorbed. The remaining undigested food is stored in the ____ as faeces, that are released from the ____ when you go to the toilet.

Digestion process

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