1) Who is staying in the room next to yours at the hotel? a) guest b) visitor c) receptionist 2) Who came to your house yesterday to see you? a) guest b) visitor c) tourist 3) Who helps you check in at a hotel? a) receptionist b) guidebook c) suicase 4) What do you use to find information about a new city? a) guidebook b) map c) tourist 5) Who takes photos in front of famous landmarks? a) tourist b) guest c) visitor 6) What do you pack your clothes in for a trip? a) suicase b) map c) luggage 7) How do you prefer to explore a new city? a) on foot b) by car c) by plane 8) What do you use to find your way around a new place? a) guidebook b) map c) receptionist 9) What do you carry your belongings in when you travel? a) luggage b) guidebook c) guest

Holiday Vocabulary. Prepare 7. Unit 3


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