neutrality - not supporting any side in a conflict, whiskey rebellion - rebellion started by Hamilton's tax on whiskey to pay off revolution debts, blockade - an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving, precedent - something that sets the example for how to act or, embargo - an official ban on trade with another country, nationalism - a sense of pride, connection, support for ones country, Era of good feelings - a period of peace, pride, and progress for the United States from 1815 to 1825, national road - nations first attempt to improve transportation, foreign policy - ideas that directs the relationships and actions with other countries/states, domestic policy - ideas that directs the relationships and actions within the country with it's own people /states, Marbury v Madison - case that said the Supreme Court that created the idea/ principle of judicial review. The right of the Supreme Court to check the other branches.have the power to strike down laws, statutes, and some government actions that they find to violate the Constitution of the United States., National road - first attempt by national gov to improve transportation, judicial review - the idea that executive and legislative branches can be checked on by and possible invalidated/ vetoed by the Judicial branch, Democratic- Republican - Jefferson,strict view, weak central gov, against bank, farmers, political party - an organized group of people with similar ideas which seeks power to carry out the interests of its members, tariff - A tariff is a tax on imports or exports between sovereign states/ other countries., Federalist - Hamilton, loose view, strong central gov, for bank, merchants, unconstitutional - an act/ law that violate/ goes against the constitution, impressment - the taking of men into a military or navy force., Constitutional - legal does not violate the constitution,
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