1) Success stories often come from those who manage to ____ the ____ despite the challenges. 2) The key to success is not just dreaming but learning how to ____ your ____ effectively. 3) When your ambitions ____ with your values, you create a powerful drive toward success. 4) To reach your goals, it’s essential to ____ a road ____ for change that guides each decision. 5) It's time to ____ distractions that prevent you from focusing on your dreams. 6) Every choice you make helps ____ the desired new ____ you envision for yourself. 7) ____ your ____ by setting small, achievable goals that boost your confidence. 8) Don't be afraid to take ____ steps toward your dreams, even if they seem risky. 9) It may take time, but eventually, you’ll put the pieces ____ and realize your dream. 10) Trust that your efforts will ____ you up with the best possible solution for your goals. 11) Self-doubt can ____ you ____ of taking risks, but don’t let it control your actions. 12) It’s time to ____ the possibility that your dreams are within reach.

Ted talks: Draw Your Future


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