Use a comma before a conjunction (and, but, or, yet, so) to join two independent clauses.: There was a lot of traffic on our way to school this morning, so our bus was a little late., Vanessa wanted a chocolate milkshake, but she decided on a strawberry one instead., Sasha likes dogs, and Jayden likes cats., Use a comma after an introductory element.: Jane, I would like you to meet my mother and father., Even though the paint was still wet, I couldn't resist touching it., After the fire burned out, I went inside the house., Use commas to separate items in a series of three or more things.: In English class we read Old Man and the Sea, Dracula, and Beowulf., I need to go to the hardware store to get nails, paint, and light bulbs., I watched television, took the dog for a walk, and drove to the store to get milk., Use commas to separate adjectives.: The big, gray dog wouldn't stop barking last night., In the attic we found old, thin paper cutouts we used to play with when we were children., The poster depicted a brown-haired, blue-eyed child wearing a red denim shirt.,
Comma Usage
Middle school 6-9
Supplement Essay
Middle school
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