1) Я смішний? — Так. a) Am I in the shop? No, you are not. b) Is he ugly? No, he is not c) Am I funny? - Yes, you are. d) Is she happy? Yes, she is. e) Is it grey? No, it is not. f) Are you sad? Yes, I am 2) Я в магазині? — Ні. a) Am I funny? - Yes, you are. b) Am I in the shop? No, you are not. c) Is she happy? Yes, she is. 3) Він некрасивий? — Ні. a) Am I funny? - Yes, you are b) Is it grey? No, it is not c) Is he ugly? No, he is not 4) Вона щаслива? — Так. a) Is she happy? Yes, she is b) Are you sad? Yes, I am c) Am I in the shop? No, I am not 5) Воно сіре? — Ні. a) Am I in the shop? N b) Is it gray? No, it is not c) Is he ugly? No, he is not 6) Ти в квартирі? — Ні. a) Is it grey? No, it is not b) Are you sad? Yes, I am c) Are you in the flat? No, I am not 7) Ти сумний? — Так a) Are you sad? Yes, I am b) Are you sad? — Yes, I am c) Am I in the shop? No, I am not 8) Ви чисті? — Так. a) Is she happy? Yes, she is b) Is he ugly? No, he is not c) Are you clean? Yes, we are 9) Ви за партами? — Ні. a) Are you at your desks? No, we are not b) Are you clean? Yes, we are c) Is it grey? No, it is not 10) Ми брудні? — Так. a) Is he ugly? No, he is not b) Are you sad? Yes, I am c) Are we dirty? Yes, we are 11) Ми бізнесмени? — Ні. a) Are you sad? Yes, I am b) Are we businessmen? No, we are not c) Am I in the shop? No, you are not 12) Вони продавці? - Так a) Are they sellers? Yes, they are b) Are we businessmen? No, we are not c) Is he ugly? No, he is not
Ukrainian practice
6th Grade
Higher Education
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