food chain - series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food, food web - interconnecting and overlapping food chains showing feeding relationships within a community, symbiotic relationships - interactions between organisms, predator-prey - predator eats prey; one organism eats another organsim, competition - organisms fighting for the same resources, mutualism - interaction between 2 organisms where both organisms benefit from each other, commensalism - interaction between 2 organisms where 1 organisms benefits but the other is neither harmed nor benefited, resources - living things need certain things to survive & for the survival of the species--food/ energy, shelter, water, protection, a mate, abiotic factors - anything not made up of cells; temperature, air, water, sunlight, soil, etc, biotic factors - anything made up of cells, living or once-living, producers - use photosynthesis to transform sunlight (radiant, electromagnetic, light) energy into chemical energy, consumers - eat producers and/or other consumers (ie: animals), decomposers - breakdown/ decay dead matter into nutrients and elements that can be returned into the environment (ie: bacteria, fungi), biodiversity - high variety of species, limited resources - factors that are more scarce increase the competition, invasive species - organisms that are not originally part of the environment, native species - organisms that are originally part of the environment,
6th Grade
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