1) Which is NOT an animal group? a) mammals b) reptiles c) birds d) dolphins 2) How does an acacia tree survive in the hot desert? a) someone waters it b) its roots grow very long to find water and its thorns collect water c) it has large leaves d) it doesn't need water 3) How is a polar bear adapted to live in the tundra? Find the WRONG answer a) it has large ears b) it has thick white fur to keep it warm and camouflaged c) it has large feet like paddles so it's a good swimmer d) it moves slowly so it doesn't overheat 4) Which one has never lived? a) car b) wool c) shell d) cut flowers 5) Which animal does NOT live in the desert? a) meerkat b) penguin c) camel d) scorpion 6) Which one is dead- it used to be alive? a) stone statue b) paper c) frog d) doll 7) What can all living things do/have? a) move, grow , sense their surroundings b) move, have legs, grow c) talk, move, sense d) move, grow, have 5 senses 8) Which is NOT a microhabitat? a) under a stone b) tree c) beach d) flower 9) Which animal does NOT live in the tundra? a) snowy owl b) arctic fox c) penguin d) lizard 10) How is a camel adapted to live in the desert? Find the WRONG answer a) long eyelashes protect its eyes from the sand b) hump stores fat to use for energy c) hump has water inside it d) thick rubbery lips to stop it cutting itself when it eats cactus

Review lesson- Autumn 1 Living things and habitats Year 2

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