1) Proofing or Proofreading means to a) carefully check your document for mistakes b) print a document c) Type a document d) Read a document 2) Spelling mistakes are a) words that are spelled with the wrong order of letters b) times when a sentence breaks a rule of grammar 3) Tool that can help you produce professional, error-free documents. a) Spelling and Grammar check b) Home and View Tab c) Calculator 4) A spelling error is indicated by a blue line a) True b) False 5) To run a Spelling and Grammar check click the command on the a) Review Tab b) View Tab c) Layout Tab d) Home Tab 6) The spelling and grammar check is ALWAYS correct. a) True b) False 7) Spelling and Grammar errors in a document CANNOT be hidden a) True b) False 8) For this type of errors, Word will provide an explanation for why it thinks something is incorrect a) Grammar b) Spelling c) Punctuation 9) When a word is spelled correctly but used incorrectly, it is known as a contextual spelling error. a) True b) False 10) A grammar error is indicated by a red line a) True b) False

Microsoft Office Word [Spelling & Grammar]

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