Voice Level 0, Walking feet, Hands to ourselves, On the red road - What does it look like to be a good walker in the hallway?, Eyes on Miss Nichols, Ears listening - What should you look like when Miss Nichols is teaching a lesson?, Voice Level 0/1 - When moving to Small Groups or another classroom, what Voice Level should you have?, NO! Raise your hand if you need to tell me something. - Can you walk up to Miss Nichols while she is teaching/in the front of the room?, Good job! - Show me the signal for "Restroom", Awesome! - Show me the signal for "Water", Fridays - What day is Homework due?, NO! Nobody can sharpen while Miss Nichols is teaching. - Can you sharpen your pencil during a lesson?, YES! Put your broken pencil in the "Not Sharp" box and get a new pencil from the green cup! - Can you get a new pencil if yours breaks?, In the back by the sink. No bottles should be on or by your desk and you can get a drink during Independent Time. - Point to the water bottle shelf., Raise your hand - Instead of shouting out, what should you do to talk or get Miss Nichols' attention?, The black tray with sticker on it. - Point to the Turn-In basket!, Voice Level 0 or 1 - What should your Voice Level be during Independent Time?, Put laptop on shelf at the end of the day, pick up trash on top of and under table, be good listeners while in class, be good walkers in the hallway. - How can your group earn a Group Link?, "want to be treated". - Fill in the Blank: Treat others the way you ______ ___ ___ ______________.,
Expectations Review
2nd Grade
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