1) What are the 7 steps of a flowchart? a) use the shapes b) write in the answers then put the shapes c) draw the arrows first d) : Know the purpose of your flowchart. e) Start with a template. f) Add shapes and symbols. 2) what are the 5 elements of a flow chart a) Oval (Terminal symbol) b) Rectangle (Process symbol) c) Arrow (Arrow Symbol) d) rhombus 3) what are simple flowchart rules a) u need a computer to do a flowchart b) Always format your flow from left to right or top to bottom for better scanning c) you have to make your decisions before you make the flowchart d) there is no rules. 4) what is the diamond in a flowchart? a) the start button. b) to represent decisions c) the end button d) huh?there is no diamond. 5) what does the triangle mean a) merge b) end button c) decision d) answer 6) what is the terminator symbol? a) start/end b) decision/answer 7) what is the oval a) start/end once agian? b) the process of an answer? 8) what is the rhombus in a flowchart? a) end b) yes/no 9) whats the trapizium in a flowchart a) the prosses b) start/end 10) whats the dotted line in a flowchart a) the information flow b) just the normal arrow leading to an answer.

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