Google Slides - a titan of editing and creating presentations, VLE - (virtual learning environment) is a platform used in education to give access to educational content online. T, Online Learning Platform - allows students to access and absorb educational content digitally, in either groups or individual settings., Wordwall - a wonderful online tool for easily creating simple activities for matching, sorting, unscrambling and more!, VARK - Visual Auditory Read/write Kinaesthetic, Learning Style - different methods of learning or understanding new information, the way a person takes in, understand, expresses and remembers information, Visual - a generic term for all computer science disciplines dealing with the 3D modeling of graphical requirements, for which extenuates to all disciplines of the Computational Sciences., Auditory - people need to understand why something is important; instructions have to make sense, everything must be ordered and logical., Read/Write - you can read, change, or add to the data in it., Kinesthetic - the sensory perception of movement, Google Classroom - a free education platform that enables teachers to interact with students and share educational materials easily.,

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