American Strengths: Strong military leadership (Ex. George Washington), Strong motivation to fight (independence, freedom to create their own government), Fighting in home territory, Experienced officers, Better weapons (rifles more accurate than traditional muskets), Military support from France and Spain, British Strengths: Military power (largest and strongest army and navy), Numbers (more soldiers), Strong support from Native Americans, Cooperation from Loyalists, Wealthy (could even hire 30,000 Hessian soldiers!), American Weaknesses: Inexperienced army and militia, Short enlistments (men only had to serve for 3-12 months), Brand new navy , Shortages of money, weapons, food, clothing, medicine, Nearly bankrupt, Weak government could not tax citizens to help pay for the war, British Weaknesses: Weak motivation to fight, Unaggressive officers failed to take advantage of enemy weaknesses, Long distance from home, Couldn't blockade the 1,500 mile coastline, Vast land-could take over land but not keep it, Easy targets (bright red uniforms), Had to also fight against European enemies like France and Spain,
Revolutionary War Strengths and Weaknesses
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