1) I’m sorry I forgot to feed your cat. a) Don’t worry. b) I feel terrible. c) No problem. 2) I’m sorry I forgot to call you back. a) That’s all right. b) I didn’t mean to do that. c) I feel terrible. 3) I’m sorry I broke your favorite cup. a) Don’t worry. b) Just be more careful. c) Honestly! 4) I’m sorry I spilled juice on your new shirt. a) Never mind. b) Honestly! c) I feel teerible. 5) I didn't mean to lose your keys. I'm so sorry. a) It's my fault. b) Just be more careful next time. c) I feel terrible. 6) I'm sorry I didn't wish you a happy birthday. a) That's all right. b) Don't talk to me. c) I feel terrible.

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