Subcontinent - A large landmass that is smaller than and below a continent, Citadel - Central area in a city that was highly protected with defensive military structures, Reincarnation - Rebirth, Buddha - Awaken One; Enlightened One, Meditate - Sit still and think quietly, Infinity - Symbol for never ending, Monsoons - Seasonal Winds, Sanitation Systems - These systems handle wastewater, Moksha - Ultimate peace, Tripitaka - Sacred text of Buddhism, Golden Age - Time period of peace and prosperity ($$$), Smelting - Mixing metal, Sacred - Holy, The Vedas - The sacred text of Hinduism, Hindu - A person who practices Hinduism, Four Noble Truths - The four central beliefs of Buddhism, Innovation - New Idea, Emergence - Start; Begin, Dharma - Duties or responsibilities of one's caste, Caste System - Ancient India's social structure/hierarchy, Eightfold Path - The path to Nirvana, HinduArabicNumerals - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , Planned Cities - Cities that were built according to a design, Karma - Cause and effect; What goes around comes around, Varna - Caste groupings/sections, Nirvana - Enlightenment; No suffering, Zero - Symbol for nothing,
India Vocabulary
6th Grade
Social studies
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