10 curtsy lunges, 5 burpees, 30 second tree pose, 30 second deep breathing, 12 reverse tricep dips, 20 second bear crawl, 10 lunge jumps, 10 single leg squats, 30 second downward dog, 20 second walking lunge, 20 second crab walk, 15 reverse crunches, 10 single leg hops each leg, 12 russian twists, 20 second high knees, 10 High kicks, 8 explosive jumps, 12 frog jumps, 30 second child's pose, 12 plank shoulder taps, What is one positive thing that has happened during the pandemic?, what sounds do you like?, What one thing do you do now that you need an adult for but would like to try to do all by yourself?, how do you show people that you care?, What is a memory that makes you happy?, What is one thing that you learned this year not in school?, What is one side of the health triangle that focuses on stress?.
Work it Wheel Good
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Physical education
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