attract - to be pulled towards something, distract - to have your attention pulled away, distraction - something that pulls your attention away, erupt - to burst, eruption - the bursting of something, disrupt - to bother someone, interrupt - to butt in when others are talking/working, territory - land that belongs to someone, territorial - feeling possessive of what's yours, terrain - what the land is like (flat, mountainous, etc.), traction - the grip when something is moving, abstract - something that doesn't have a physical shape, aquatic - having to do with water, aquamarine - bluish green color, aquarium - tank with water for fish to swim, abrupt - sudden/unexpected, diction - the way someone speaks, dictionary - book with words and their definitions, dictate - to say something so someone can write it, verdict - the final judgement about something, terr - land/earth, rupt - break, aqua - water, dict - say, tract - pull or drag,
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