voyage - A very long trip or journey that explorers took in order to find a route to Asia, Columbian Exchange - The trading and exchange among Europe and the Americas, Northwest Passage - A mythical water route to Asia through the Americas, trading post - A type of store set up to trade between the Europeans and the Native Americans, colony - A settlement that is ruled by a country far away, culture - The beliefs and customs of a group of people, slavery - the practice of owning other people as property, patroon - A landowner who promised to bring 50 people to New Netherlands. In exchange, they were given land., tenant farmer - A person who farms land, but does not own it, tolerance - the acceptance of different beliefs., investor - Someone who puts money into a business, such as the Dutch West India Company, explorer - A person who travels to a new place to learn about it.,

Explorers and Dutch colony - Chapter 2 Lessons 3-4


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