Multimeter: several measurement functions in one unit: Voltage, resistance & current flow., Cable stripper: carefully remove coating to expose copper, Crimper, Cable tester: tests for continuity within your cable., ESD Wrist Strap: safely channels the static electricity to a proper ground, usually the computer's case, Screwdriver: either with interchangeable bits or different sizes.  , Pliers: grab the little screws that fall, Extension Magnet, 3-Prong Holder, Power Supply Tester: ensures the correct voltage is coming out of your power supply., Tone generator and probe: trace a wire from an RJ-45 network jack to a wiring closet., Wifi Analyzer: signal strength, nw names, nw security settings, nw coverage, Network Tap: collect data on traffic across network., Punchdown Tool, Loopback plug, Known good spares,

Networking Tool Practice


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