1) How was the Mizbeiach made? a) They would build it out of cut stones, the same way as a house. b) The would use all different stones and then add a mixture of lime, lead and plaster.  c) The would use all different stones and then add a mixture of lime, lead and pitch. d) They carved it out of one solid piece of copper. 2) Which of the following are correct? a) If one of the stones became cracked, split or scratched only that stone became passul. b) If metal touched one of the stones of the Mizbeiach [after it was built] only that stone became passul. c) You must build the Mizbeiach with a metal instrument. d) If metal touched one of the stones of the Mizbeiach [after it was built], the whole Mizbeiach becomes passul. 3) Which of the following are incorrect? a) The punishment for using metal to build the Mizbeiach is Malkus. b) If you use honey or leaven in the mixture that's used to build the Mizbeiach you are Chayuv. c) The builder [if he used metal] would get punished even if the Mizbeiach was built and then immediately destroyed.  d) If he used damaged stones he does not get punished.

Mizbeiach Hachitzon

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