1) Treating others how you want to be treated a) Responsible b) Respectful c) Safe d) Positive e) Mean 2) When you are kind and it spreads around and comes back to you a) Kindness b) Friendship c) Kindness Boomerang d) Fun e) Anger 3) A problem with two people can be called a... a) Making Up b) Friendship c) Good time d) Conflict 4) One way to be a good listener is to... a) Keep your eyes on the speaker b) Talk to your friends c) Think about dinner tonight d) Draw pictures 5) An example of being an Upstander is... a) Walking away because it's not your problem b) Giving someone a compliment if they've been made fun of c) Putting your head down and walking by when you see trash on the ground 6) Understanding how someone feels... a) Friendship b) Kindness c) Empathy d) Love 7) If you think you can do better, you have a ________ mindset a) Fun b) Smart c) Interesting d) Growth 8) Doing what you're supposed to do is being.... a) Responsible b) Interesting c) Fun d) Kind 9) If someone is doing something unsafe... a) Don't do it b) Tell them not to do it c) Tell the teacher if you think they may hurt themself or others d) All of the above 10) If you are optimistic, you are being... a) Positive b) Respectful c) Safe d) Responsible 11) When we are thankful and let people know we are showing... a) Responsibility b) Gratitude c) Our personality 12) If someone is playing alone, an Upstander would... a) Tell the teacher b) Ignore them c) Ask them to play 13) Giving someone enough room to feel comfortable is called a) Personal Space b) Getting Away c) Ignoring Them

Upstander Game Show!


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