PASS - Acronym for using a fire extinguisher., ClassA - Free burning materials - paper, wood, plastics, Confine - Third Step in RACE, ClassD - Metals, potassium, sodium, magnesium, etc., Alarm - Second step in RACE, Smoke Detector - Replace its batteries every six months. Should not be beeping all the time., RACE - Acronym for actions to take incase of fire., Aim - second letter word in PASS, Heat - Element needed for a Fire to survive. Hint-It's getting hot in here, Evacuate - Fourth step in RACE if you can't fight the fire., Second Degree - (partial thickness burns) affect the epidermis and the dermis (lower layer of skin). Blisters and pain, ClassF - Cooking Fats, Squeeze - third letter word in PASS, Fuel - Element needed for a Fire to survive. Hint - Feeds it, ClassB - Flammable Liquids- petrol, meths, solvents etc., Pull - first letter word in PASS, Extinguish - Fourth step in RACE to treat Fire, Oxygen - Another element needed for a Fire to Survive. Hint - Needs to Breathe, First Degree - (superficial burns) are mild compared to other burns. Redness and irritation, Rescue - First step in RACE, ClassC - Flammable Gasses - Methane, hydrogen, etc., Sweep - fourth letter word in PASS, Evacuation - Whereever you go, know the fire ___________ plan, Third Degree - (full thickness burns) go through the dermis and affect deeper tissues.Seek medical treatment,
Fire Safety
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