fals/fall - Roots that mean "deceive, lie, wrong", cert/cred - Roots that mean "believe, sure, trust", phob - Root that means "fear", false - (adj.) not real or genuine; used to say that something is not really what it seems to be; not true or accurate, fallacy - (n. ) a wrong belief; a false or mistaken idea, falsify - (v.) to make something false; to change something in order to make people believe something that is not true, certain - (adj.) not having any doubt about something; convinced or sure, credulous - (adj.) too ready to believe things; easily fooled or cheated, credence - (n.) belief that somethingis true; the quality of being believed or accepted as something true or real, credible - (adj.) able to be believed; reasonable to trust or believe, creed - a statement of the basic beliefs of a religion; and idea or set of beliefs that guides the actions of a person or group, phobia - (n.) an extremely strong dislike or fear of someone or something, claustrophobic - (adj.) having a fear of being in closed or small spaces; used to describe a small closed in room with little space,

Unit 17: Can I Trust You?


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