Anecdote (Anecdota) - a short narrative that relates an interesting or amusing incident, usually in order to make or support a larger point, Argument (argumento) - a position on a topic or issue developed through logic, evidence, and appeals, Argumentative text (texto argumentativo) - a text in which the writer develops and defends a position or debates a topic using logic and persuasion, Audience (audiencia) - the intended target group for a message, regardless of the medium, Bibliographic information (informacion bibliografica) - the locating and identifying information about a source (i.e., book, journal, periodical, or website) that includes the author’s name, source title, publication title, publisher, and date publication, Claim (reclamacion) - an assertion or position on a topic or issue, Correspondence (correspondencia) - any written or digital communication exchanged between two or more people in the form of a letter, e-mail, fax, etc., Evidence (evidencia) - specific details or facts that support an inference or idea, Opinion essay (ensayo de opinion) - an essay that describes a position on a particular topic or issue and develops the argument with supporting evidence, Paraphrase (parafrasis) - restate the meaning of something in different words. Paraphrasing alters the exact wording of the source and transmits its ideas or information without evaluation or interpretation., Plagiarize (plagiar) - to present the ideas or word of another as one’s own without crediting the source, Primary source (fuente principal) - a researched source from the time in which an event being studied occurred (e.g., letters, speeches, diaries, surveys, fieldwork, personal interviews, etc.), Secondary source (fuente secundaria) - a researched source that is a step removed from the original accounts of an event or experience (e.g., scholarly articles, journalism, reference books such as encyclopedias, history books, textbooks, reviews, criticisms, etc.), Rhetorical device (dispositivo retorico) - a technique that an author or speaker uses to influence or persuade an audience,
Debate and Opinion
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
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