abolish - to do away completely with something; to put an end to, appeal - a sincere or strong request for something that is needed; a guilty or ability that attracts or interests people; a request to a higher court for review of a legal decision; to ask strongly for help, understanding, or something else needed; to be attractive or interesting; to request review of a legal decision., brittle - easily broken, snapped, or cracked; not flexible, condemn - to criticize a person or action as wrong, guilty, or evil; to judge as guilty and to punish, descend - to move to a lower place from a higher one; to come or be handed down from the past, dictator - a ruler or leader who has total power, expand - to open up, make or grow larger; to develop, famine - a severe shortage of food over a large area, portable - easily moved or carried, prey - an animal hunted as food by another; someone or something that is helpless against attack; to hunt for food; harm, rob, or take advantage of, thrifty -  careful about spending money; tending to save money; managing money well, visual - having to do with sight or seeing,

Sadlier Vocab- Unit 10 (5th Grade)


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