1) Which famous drinks company was the first to use Santa Claus in its advertisements? a) Pepsi b) Sprite c) Coca-Cola d) RC Cola 2) What is the name of the Grinch's dog? a) Max b) Mint c) Pepper d) Oliver 3) What date is Christmas Eve on? a) January 31 b) December 30 c) January 1 d) December 24 4) Traditionally, what colour is Santa's sack? a) Red b) Green c) Blue d) White 5) Santa Claus is also known as Saint who? a) Rick b) Francis c) Nick d) Chris 6) What date is New Year's Eve? a) January 1 b) December 31 c) December 25 d) January 31 7) What was Scrooge's first name? a) Ebenezer b) Felix c) Sylvester d) Wesley 8) What was the first name of Jesus's mother? a) Madeline b) Margret c) Mary d) Sarah 9) 'Feliz Navidad' means Happy Christmas in which language? a) French b) German c) Portuguese d) Spanish 10) These danced in the heads of children during the night before Christmas. a) Oranges b) Sugar Plums c) Toys d) Cookies

Christmas Countdown Pt. 2


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