absurd - making no sense at all, having no reason way or get around, avalanche - a large mass of snow, ice, rocks or other material sliding swiftly down a moutainside, classify - to group or label in an organized way, ensure - to make sure, safe, or certain; to guarantee, navigate - to plan or steer the course, to make one's way or get around, nestle - to settle down comfortably; to hold lovingly, plea - an urgent request for help or the answer given in a law court by the person accused of a crime, principle - a basic rule or law in which others are based; a belief used to tell right from wrong, realistic - using facts and good sense to evaluate people, things, or situations; concerned with the practical or resembling real life, security - freedom from danger, fear, or doubt; safety, selective - very careful about choosing or using, tart - a small pie or sharp or sour to the taste,

Unit 11 Vocab Wordwall- 5th Grade Sadlier (blue book)


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