JOB SEARCH REJECTION HAPPENS TO EVERYONE., Use your opportunity to perfect your interviewing skills and analyze your approach., Don’t say anything negative to the hiring manager or anyone who might report back to the employer., DON’T LOSE YOUR MOMENTUM: Even when things look promising with one employer, don’t stop your job search until you have an offer in hand., KEEP IN MIND THAT THE HIRING MANAGER MAY BE DOING YOU A FAVOR: The job might truly be a bad fit for you, Keep applying, networking, and working on your long-term career plan, Until you have something in writing, continue with your search., Finding other options, and receiving positive responses from interviewers, will soften the blow if you are rejected., You might also find a better offer, regardless of whether you land this particular job., Candidates often lose momentum with their search while waiting to hear if they landed a job, especially if they think they nailed the job interview,

How to Deal With Job Rejection and Move On

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