Describe your favourite place to go shopping, Descrive good things about usinf credit cards, Describe bad things about using credit cards, Do you like window shopping?, Is it a good idea to shoplift? Why (not)?, Do you like to try clothes on in fitting rooms?, Descrive something you want to buy, How will shopping malls be different in future?, Describe how to save money while shopping, Describe something you bought recently, Would you like to work as a cashier?, Is it a good ide to buy a used car?, Desribe the stores close to your place, Do you prefer to save or spend money?, How was shopping different 100 years ago?, Compare plastic and paper shopping bags, Should there be slaes tax on every product?, Why do shoppers get receipts?, Do you spend much money to buy things?, Descrive your favourite brand names, Why do people exchnage products?, Should all stores be open 24 hours?, How do stores advertise their products?, Why do some people hate to go shopping?, Compare supermarkets and malls, Is it possible to get free products?.
Shopping speaking
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