Desert: very little rainfall each year, camel, scorpions, armadillo, rattlesnake, cactus, tumbleweeds, yucca, sandy, hot, and dry, many animals are nocturnal and have thin hair , Tundra: polar bear, penguins, arctic fox, snow, icebergs, very little precipitation annually, permafrost (top layer of soil) is frozen all year, plants grow fast and close to the ground, many animals have blubber and thick fur, Rainforest: large tree canopy, hot and wet, plants have large leaves with drip tips, monkeys, snakes, poisonous dart frogs, significant amounts of rain each year, toucans, macaws, geckos, Grasslands: flat, receives less rain than forests, In North America - bison, coyote, prairie dogs, grasshoppers, In Africa - giraffes, zebra, gazelle, elephants, lions, Plants grow tall and smell good to attract insects, Animals can burrow and has large plant eaters, Deciduous Forests: trees lose their leaves; four seasons, cold winters and hot summers, squirrels, possums, mice, grizzly bears, raccoons, oak, maple, ash, beech, and pine trees, Gets moderate amounts of rainfall, Oceans: kelp and plankton, wet and salty, coral, sharks, and assortment of fish, plants can float, animals have streamlined bodies, fins and gills,
Characteristics of Environments
3rd Grade
5th Grade
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