Pharaoh: Leader of the kingdom, Had large monuments built for them, Believed to be gods, Buried with many riches, Had many different jobs and responsibilities, Buried in very fancy tombs, Government Official: Helped the pharaoh rule the kingdom, Often members of the pharaoh's family, Included the vizier (judge), chief treasurer (responsible for money), and the general of the armies (responsible for the kingdom's army), Collected taxes, Helped the pharaoh with national security, Helped gain alliances with other kingdoms, Priest: Oversaw religious celebrations, In charge of all temples in Egypt, Handled common concerns and requests from people in the kingdom, Needed to shower many times daily, Had to shave all of their hair every day, Purified and cleansed the temples' sanctuaries, Oversaw embalming (preparing a body for mummification), Scribes: Egypt's writers and record keepers, Most worked for the government, Had to go to school for many years with very strict teachers, Learned how to write more than 700 hieroglyphs , recorded court cases and helped enforce laws, kept track of the army’s soldiers and food supply, kept track of the number of enemies killed in battle, Artisans: Highly skilled laborers, Created some of the most beautiful art objects in the ancient world, Rarely got respect from higher classes, Produced the statues, engravings, and reliefs found in Egyptian temples, tombs, and monuments, A class toward the lower middle of society, They often worked for ten consecutive days before taking time off, In hard times, when food was in short supply, they often went hungry, Peasants: Made up the lowest and largest class in Egypt’s social pyramid, They were generally considered unskilled workers, Grew the crops that supplied everyone with food, Lived in plain houses that were made of mud bricks, Spent most of their lives working, If a harvest did not produce enough to pay the required tax, they might be brutally beaten,
Ancient Egypt Social Structure
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
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