1) To assess their cognitive skills, the teacher asks the children to ... a) answer true/false questions about their favourite types of food. b) put pictures of food into two groups: food they like and food they don't like. c) sequence the prices of different foods from the cheapest to the most expensive. 2) To assess their ability to use language creatively, the teacher asks the children to ... a) listen to and perform a jazz chant in pairs. b) take part in a role-play in pairs. c) talk about their last holiday in pairs. 3) To assess their listening comprehension skills, the teacher asks the children to listen and ... a) mime the words in a song. b) follow a text with the words of a song. c) answer some questions about a song. 4) To assess their spelling, the teacher asks the children to look at pictures and ... a) fill in a crossword puzzle using the pictures as clues. b) use the words in a substitution drill. c) label the items in the space provided. 5) To assess their ability to review their learning, the teacher asks the children to think about the lesson and to ... a) decide what things they were good at. b) list the words they understood. c) say which activities they liked. 6) To assess their ability to remember language, the teacher asks the children to ... a) fill in the gaps in a text about different types of clothes. b) match words relating to clothes to pictures of different clothes. c) listen to a song about different clothes.

TKT: YL PART 4 focuses of assessing learning 'which does NOT complete the statement'

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