If you could be a wild animal, which one would you be? Why?, What's your favourite song or kind of music? , What's your favourite movie? What character did you like best? Why?, What's the most fun activity you've ever done? , If you were a teacher, what are three things you would teach your students today?, What's the best way to eat spaghetti? What about rice?, What's your favourite food? Do you know how to make it?, If you could eat anything you want for breakfast, what would it be?, If you could do anything you wanted on a Saturday afternoon, what would it be?, If you could bake a pizza, what toppings would you put on it?, If you could change one thing about your bedroom, what would it be?, What toppings would you put on an ice cream sundae? , What do you think is the best part about waking up in the morning?, What's your favourite ice cream or dessert? What's the next favourite?, What's a difference between an eagle and a hummingbird? What's the same?, What's a difference between a frog and a dandelion? What's the same?, What's a difference between a lion and a squirrel? What's the same?, Pretend you're a semi-truck driver. What would you haul in your trailer? Where are you taking the load?, If you could spend an afternoon riding your bike, swimming at a pool, or playing computer games, which would you choose? Why?, If you could be the ruler of the world, what rules would you tell everyone to obey?, If you could drive a car, what kind of car would it be? What colour? How many people would it hold? Would you take me for a ride?, If you had one dollar to spend, what would you buy?, If you could build a tree fort, what would it look like?, If you could have any pet you wanted, what would it be? What would it look like? What name would you give it?, If you could grow your own garden, what plants would you want? What would you do to help them grow well?.
Conversation Starters
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
Social studies
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