课外时间 - kè wài shí jiān after school time, 大部分 - dà bù fen most, 抽出时间 - chōu chū shí jiān to take spare time, 老人院 - lǎo rén yuàn Nursing home for the elderly, 做义工 - zuò yì gōng to be volunteer , 清晨 - Qīngchén early morning, 训练 - xùn liàn to train; drill, 同时 - tóng shí;at the same time, 入学考试 - rù xué kǎo shì;the entrance exam, 申请 - shēn qǐng;to apply, 练习题 - liàn xí tí;exercise book, 从早忙到晚 - cóng zǎo máng dào wǎn busy from morning till night, 睡眠不足 - shuì mián bù zú not enough sleep, 头晕 - tóu yūn dizzy, 调整 - tiáo zhěng adjustment; revision, 约朋友 - yuē péng you hang out with friend, 专心听讲 - zhuān xīn tīng jiǎng concentrate on listening to a lecture(lesson), 列时间表 - liè shí jiān biǎo make a schedule, 尽量 - jìn liàng do one's best to, make every effort to, 当天 - dàng tiān he same day, 提前 - Tíqián in advance, 复习 - fù xí  to review, 充分利用 - chōng fèn lì yòng make full use of, 沟通 - gōu tōng communicate, 了解情况 - liǎo jiě qíng kuàng to get the picture, 得到支持 - dé dào zhī chí get support, 有效 - yǒu xiào effectively, 合理地 - hé lǐ de reasonably, 管理 - guǎn lǐ management, 认识到 - rèn shi dào to realize,


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