a hippo - I'm big and grey. I live next to water in Africa., a crocodile - I'm green. I've got long mouth and teeth. I eat meat. You can find me in the Amazon and Florida., a monkey - I live in trees. I eat bananas. I've got tail., a snake - I'm long. I eat meat. I haven'tgot legs., an elephant - I'm very big and grey. I live in Asia and in Africa., a lizard - I'm small and long. I eat insects. I can run., a bird - I'm small. I can fly. I eat plants and small animals. I can sing., a mouse - I'm very small. Cats don't like me. I can run., a spider - I catch insects and eat them. I've got eight legs., a sheep - I eat grass. I've got four legs and my body is white (or black!). People make clothes from my wool., a fish - You can find me in the sea. I love swimming., a tiger - I like meat. I can run. I live in Asia., a cow - We get milk from this animal. She's got four legs and eat grass., a giraffe - I've got a very long neck and body. I eat leaves from trees., a frog - This small animal lives on and in water. It eats insects and can jump.,

Fun for movers p22


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