Things human can do to slow climate change - recycling, walk, take public transportation, eat less meat, user green energy like solar power/wind power, How we know climate has changed. - thermometers, satellites, tree rings, study the center of glaciers, Reason for climate change - increase burning of fossil fuels and increase of C02, Greenhouse effect - gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor traps heat from the Earth, How is C02 released into the air - planes, animals, soils, and oceans, Why is the greenhouse effect a good thing? - Keep the planet warm, with out them the planet would be freezing, Why greenhouse gases have increased over the past 100 years? - human activity, driving cars, making products, heating our homes, Fossil Fuels - coal, oil, and natural gas, Effects of warming the Earth - glaciers are melting which increase the size of oceans, islands are disappearing, stronger hurricanes, longer droughts, wild fires, Renewable Resources - bio fuel, solar panels, wind power, using electric cars,
Climate Change Video Questions
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