The biting fly population is booming this year. As a result, many of the deer in your population have contracted Hemorrhagic Disease and 5 have died., The biting fly population is booming this year. As a result, many of the deer in your population have contracted Hemorrhagic Disease and 5 have died., The biting fly population is booming this year. As a result, many of the deer in your population have contracted Hemorrhagic Disease and 5 have died., The biting fly population is booming this year. As a result, many of the deer in your population have contracted Hemorrhagic Disease and 5 have died., The local bear family cant find any more fish so they have turned to the deer in your population as a food source. 5 deer in your population have been killed to feed the bears., The local bear family cant find any more fish so they have turned to the deer in your population as a food source. 5 deer in your population have been killed to feed the bears., You've found WATER! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found WATER! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found WATER! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found WATER! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found WATER! Increase your population by 10 deer., There is a highway near your habitat that your population often crosses. Many are hit by cars. Decrease your deer population by 10., A new family of rattlesnakes are living in your area and have bitten 5 deer in your population. As a result, all 5 deer have died., A new family of rattlesnakes are living in your area and have bitten 5 deer in your population. As a result, all 5 deer have died., You've found SHELTER! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found SHELTER! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found SHELTER! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found SHELTER! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found SHELTER! Increase your population by 10 deer., It hasn't rained in weeks and your ecosystem is suffering a drought. As a result, half of your current population dies., You've found FOOD! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found FOOD! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found FOOD! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found FOOD! Increase your population by 10 deer., You've found FOOD! Increase your population by 10 deer., There are hunters in your area. 10 deer in your population have been shot and killed., There are hunters in your area. 10 deer in your population have been shot and killed., You've found a MATE! Increase your population by 5 deer., You've found a MATE! Increase your population by 5 deer., You've found a MATE! Increase your population by 5 deer., You share your habitat with wolves and they are your predator. 5 deer in your population have died to feed the wolves.., You share your habitat with wolves and they are your predator. 5 deer in your population have died to feed the wolves.., You share your habitat with wolves and they are your predator. 5 deer in your population have died to feed the wolves.., You share your habitat with wolves and they are your predator. 5 deer in your population have died to feed the wolves.., There are too many males in your population and not enough females. Decrease your population by 20 deer., A fire engulfed a large section of the forest. 25 deer have died as a result., There are too many females in your population and most are of the age to produce. Increase your population by 20 deer., It was a harsh winter and all of your infant and elderly deer die. Decrease our population by 20 deer..
Ups and Downs of Populations
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