At what level is the student in the ‘silent period’?, Which level do ELLs respond best to one-step instructions?, What level do ELLs need to know basic survival language in person or virtually?, Which level(s) do ELLs respond to visual aids such as pictures to learn vocabulary and concepts, or body language gestures?, Which level(s) do students have limited to no understanding of figurative language?, Which level can conversational English be stronger than academic English?, You can expect your _______ ENL student to write using compound sentences that will eventually bridge to complex sentences as they near the next level., This level of ENL students can answer why and how questions? _____________, What level ENL student will be able to speak and write with more production but have some grammatical, syntactic, and semantic errors that do not impede on understanding?, At this level, you should ask students to expand on their answers with detail _______________________, At this level, students will be able to converse with language close to a native speaker _________________, At this level, students will be able to converse with language close to a native speaker _________________, At which level will students start to understand figurative language and be able to respond to multi-step directions?, At which level, should students still be using oral language as a bridge to literacy?, At which level, should students know, be able to define and use TIII words?, Which level is closest to native speaker-like English?.
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